Space2Meditate offers the opportunity to sit on-line with the support of community 7 days a week. Wild, right? We can do this thanks to a wonderful team of teachers and volunteers, and the incredible support of our community. We also host residential retreats and a range of other events and gatherings.
We invite you to join us and to get to know us. You will discover that we like poetry (a lot), coffee (also a lot), keeping it real and a good laugh now and again. Cause it’s rough out there.
Give yourself Space2Meditate.

Stop, Drop, Sit and Connect
Silent meditation 7am EST 7days/week
Guided meditation 8am EST 7days/week
Community Meditation 7pm EST on Tuesdays
BIPOC Community Sit 2X month
And a bunch of other cool things
We’re chill. We don’t take attendance! Some folks come every day, others drop in from time to time, and everything in between. It’s all good.
There is a core group that is quite steady and will always delight in seeing new and returning faces.
Some folks just want to meditate. Others like to also connect with one another. No pressure either way. Engage in a way that works for you.
How does it all work? We operate on the basis of gift economics.
Everything we do is fueled by the generosity of community.
No one is turned away for lack of funds.
From the Blog
Community Voices