Seven Point Mind Training


For these months, we will be exploring the Lojong tradition, sometimes referred to as the Mind Turning Trainings. In particular we will be unpacking the Seven Point Mind Traning, further developed into 59 pith slogans. They come to us by way of the 10th Century Indian master Atisha and were later refined and re-formulated in 12th century in Tibet by Geshe Chekawa Yeshe Dorje.

The teachings are challenging (in a good way), and very suited for moment to moment practice in daily life. Many of the slogans are provocative, memorable and humorous such as "Don't be so predictable" and "Don't wait in ambush."

Recommended books:

Training in Compassion, Zen Teachings on the Practice of LoJong by Norman Fisher

The Intelligent Heart, A guide to the compassionate life by Dzigar Kongtrul

Advice from a Spiritual Friend by Geshe Rabten and Geshe Dhargyey

Training the Mind by Chögyam Trungpa

Shorter article:

Pema Chödrön: How LoJong Awakens Your Heart